
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Simple Breakfast Burritos

     As I've said before, eggs are cheap which makes them a staple in a college kids diet. I am always working with them for different meals of the day whether it be a breakfast pizza, a sandwich, a quiche (recipe coming soon) an omelette, etc etc. One thing I hadn't done this year, and I have no clue why, is a breakfast burrito. You can incorporate lots of flavors and veggies, it's simple, cheap and a great idea for dinner when the cupboards are bare and your wallet is empty - which seems to happen often towards the end of the year. Broke or not, eating one of these for dinner definitely won't make you feel like you're starving.

         This is just an idea for a recipe, but really you can put basically anything in one of these. 
Sausages, bacon, mushroom, onions, spinach, peppers, ham, cheese, tomatoes, only egg whites, olives, jalapenos, asparagus, broccoli, beans...the list goes on and on. Really it's a great meal because you can use whatever you have available. 

           Make it healthier by stuffing it all in a whole wheat, multi-grain, or corn tortilla (I didn't know, but after looking it up, corn tortillas actually count as a whole grain - they contain less calories and have antioxidants, so its much better choice compared to regular white flour tortillas Depending on the size tortillas you get will change the number of burritos you will make. Shown in the picture above is a small 8" and 5 eggs made 5 burritos. With lots of vegetable and meat mixed in, only one egg is needed in a small wrap but bigger wraps will fit more. 

         Another great thing about these is that you can make extra, wrap them up and stick them in the fridge and all you need to do is reheat them to eat, using stovetop, a grill or even a zap in the mircowave. They still are really good leftover! We saved two and heated them on the George Forman the next day and they were just as delicious.

Simple Breakfast Burritos 
Ingredients for 3:
Approx 3, 8" wraps
3 eggs
1 tbsp milk
1/3 cup chopped bell peppers - red and/or green
1/4 cup chopped onion
garlic powder
onion powder
cayenne pepper (approx 1/4 tsp)
1/3 cup shredded cheese
3 pieces bacon
3 small breakfast sausages
salt and pepper to taste
Hot sauce to serve

Cook bacon and sausage over medium heat until crisp, remove and drain on paper towel. Remove fat from pan, except for a couple teaspoons. Add peppers and onion to pan and cook, stirring for 2-3 minutes. Crumble bacon and sausage and add back to pan with vegetables, scramble eggs in bowl with milk and seasonings and add to pan, moving with spatula until just cooked. Sprinkle cheese on wraps and top with egg mixture. Fold in right and left sides a bit to prevent filling from oozing out, pull the bottom to the top, tuck in the insides and roll the burrito. Grill burritos on George Forman style grill or just cook on the stove, pressing down the top of the burrito until they are crisp. 

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