
Friday, January 10, 2014

Juicy, Healthy and Gluten Free Meatloaf w/ Flaxseed

     I loooooooove myself a good meatloaf, and anyone who claims they don't like it has never really tried it and just has that childish connotation that its the mystery meat in the cafeteria. I can agree, a loaf of meat doesn't sound like the most eye appealing dish in the world, but when you know how moist and tender and flavorful and oh-so-delicious it is, it starts to look pretty damn good.
     Recently we made one from a recipe from the Wheat Belly book and it was amazing. So tender and juicy, the flavor was great and it was healthier than your average one, because instead of using breadcrumbs, it called for healthy ground flaxseed, and of course we used lean ground beef.

         Featured above is my brother's plate where the meat to vegetable ratio is always slightly off balance, but being an active 17 year old boy, I think its ok. Especially when the meat is this delicious....... Jeeeez I wish we had leftovers!
         Honestly it was one of the best meatloafs that I've ever had, so I'm not missing the gluten too much yet! If these are the type of meals I'm eating, I am totally fine with that!

Recipe from WheatBelly Cookbook

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