
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Buff Chick Dip for the AFC Championship

        The Patriots beat the odds and made it to the AFC championship game, so a celebration was in order. A bunch of us got together to watch and everyone made food and drank beer (GF beer in my case, of course), you know how it goes. Unfortunately the final score was not in our favor, but it was still a good time watching!

        We had everything we needed.... chicken wings, loaded nachos, stuffed celery, all kinds of chips and salsa etc etc etc. I made buffalo chicken dip which is always a necessity at football parties, and the whole dish was gone before the end of the first quarter. It was so delicious, and super easy to make. And it's cheap using canned chicken meat but you don't have to tell anyone that ;)
        There's no way you can go wrong either. I mean it's chicken, cheese and buffalo wing sauce.....

          In most buff chick dips, all the ingredients are mixed together, but I decided to layer it so it has a nicer appearance. Not like it matters because it gets demolished in like five minutes anyways but still I like to try and make it look pretty :) I didn't get to take a picture after it came out of the oven and all the cheese on the top was melted because the kitchen/the entire house was hectic so there wasn't much time for blogging!

        So if you have a football party, or any type of gathering for that matter, you can't go wrong with buffalo chicken dip!

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