
Monday, August 12, 2013

Whoops, I Forgot I Had a Blog!

      Ooops! I think the summer sun and a few cold beers has me forgetting all about poor old Gourmet Taste for the College Buds. But my devoted followers (aka relatives and my moms friends) don't fret! I plan on posting a few things before heading back to school, and once I'm back it's game time!

     For now here are some photos from summer, to provide an excuse for not blogging.

Peaks Island
Wining and dining at Taste of the Nation
Sunsets on the boat in Portland
Hiking Mt Major
Nighttime jet-ski rides at camp
Exploring islands in Casco Bay
More wining and dining (of course)
Late night lobster bake and camp fire w/ Oar House friends 
Family day at camp
Boston Harbor for a concert
The view from the restaurant I work at in Portsmouth
And countless pretty sunsets
Seems like good excuses to me! 

Recipe posts coming soon!

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