
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Simple Pleasures

          Not going to lie, I spent about two hours last night (that I could have been doing homework) on organizing my cooking folder on my computer and making a new list of must-try recipes. (Mom, don't worry my grades are fine!) This whole blog just has me so excited and I want to experiment with so many things! I am beyond obsessed with and as hard as I try and pry myself away, I continue to think of new foods to search and recipes to read. The boys and I planned a bunch of meals to make this week and it's safe to say we are all looking forward to it. They're lucky that I am basically their personal chef and I make whatever they want because it gives me more opportunity to learn and I can continue to increase my cooking skills. Maybe one day I'll be better than my mom....ahh just kidding, I already am ;) shhhh...
Here she is, what a wonderful woman! I dedicate today's delicious post to her, because she supports me in everything and of course taught me so much about workin' in the kitchen! is her birthday! Too bad I wasn't three hours south so I could cook her an extravagant birthday meal :(

Pancakes were one of the first things I learned to cook, with help of course from my mom. I remember having sleepovers with friends and  taking turns flipping them and throwing them across the room (feeding the ones that fell on the floor to my brother...yes we were naughty children, I admit). Since then, I have upped my game a little bit and have tried a whole mess of recipes from pumpkin to whole wheat to buttermilk to my personal favorite, cinnamon roll. Yes you heard me right...cinnamon roll pancakes. A fluffy, hot pancake swirled with sweet brown sugar and butter that has melted to perfection. They look amazing and they taste even better, and it is just a simple enhancement to any old pancake recipe! 
You can simply use any pancake recipe you'd like, but I do have some suggestions for how to make the best pancake possible. Here are some tips:

*For super fluffy pancakes - use the suggested amount of eggs, but first separate the yolks and the whites. Add the yolks to the dry ingredients, but beat the whites until stiff peaks form then gently fold into the batter. With this method, cook the pancakes immediately!
*Adding lemon juice and baking powder to pancake mix makes them extra light and fluffy, and they melt in your mouth. 
*Wait to flip the pancakes until the top is bubbling. This will make sure it is cooked all the way through so you don't have wet batter in the middle at the end. (simple stuff!)

For this recipe I am just using a boxed pancake mix with some additions to make it better. Sometimes it is just easier, and I don't have all the time in the world!

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes:
4 Tbsp butter, melted
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 Tbsp ground cinnamon
2 Cups bisquick mix
1 cup milk
1 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp baking bowder
2 eggs

Heat griddle to medium-high heat and grease with cooking spray. In a bowl, stir together butter, brown sugar and cinnamon and scoop into a plastic baggie. Stir the rest of the ingredients until blended (a few small lumps are fine). Pour batter by 1/4-1/3 of a cup and reduce heat to medium-low. Make sure the brown sugar mixture is mixed well, snip the corner of the plastic baggie and squeeze in a spiral motion onto the pancake. Cook until the top begins to bubble and flip carefully, then cook for another minute or so. Make sure to scrape any cinnamon sugar mixture off of the pan between batches. 

Original recipe from Recipe Girl

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