
Monday, January 21, 2013

Favorite Heath Trifle

         My grammy has been making a trifle for years during the holidays, and it has always been one of my favorite desserts. Weirdly, I hadn't tried to make it on my own until just recently my boyfriend requested it. Its basically just a whole mess of treats piled up to look fancy and pretty, but in all honesty it is soooo simple and you really can't go wrong! Even if the layers don't look so neat in the end, the flavors will still be wonderful! (Mine weren't by any means perfect)

          My friends were veerryy excited about it, and despite the large size of it, it was gone quick! I looked up a bunch of different recipes, and I couldn't choose one, so I made a bunch of adjustments to my taste preferences. It turns out that I probably won't do it any other way next was absolutely DELICIOUS :)

         I didn't have a trifle style bowl here at school (our supplies are kinda limited compared to what is available at my house) but we did have this pitcher that was used for other purposes ;) and it ended up looking really cute - like a giant mug of hot cocoa, perfect for winter!

I'm not sure how smart it was to blog about this because its very much convincing me to make it again really soon....

Whipped Cream Recipe
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp powdered sugar

Whip the cream until stiff peaks form, fold in vanilla and powdered sugar.
(It will probably take about five minutes of pretty vigorous careful to over whip because the cream will get lumpy and butter-like and that is no good!)

Chocolate Oreo Heath Trifle
1 pkg chocolate cake mix (and ingredients to prepare)
1 pkg white chocolate pudding
1 pkg cheesecake pudding
2 cups crushed oreos
2 cups heath bar pieces
Whipped cream 

Prepare the cake according to package.
While cake is in oven, Prepare both puddings according to package 
Fold 1 1/2 cups of the whipped cream into the cheesecake pudding, and fold about half of the oreos into the white chocolate pudding
When cake is done and cooled, cut into small pieces (lady finger style) and begin the layering! Layer pieces of cake, top with one pudding mixture, then the other, a layer of heath, a layer of oreos and repeat until you are out of ingredients. Top with the remaining whipped cream and sprinkle with heath and/or oreos! 

**Tips - The longer it sits before serving the better - it gives time for everything to set and the pudding to absorb into the cake.
**Feel free to substitute any type of pudding or candy for the is very forgiving! I am obsessed with cheesecake so I really like that flavor in the trifle. Experiment with different ones! Next time I think I am going to try a chocolate and butterscotch....yummmmmm ;)

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